drawing a map with surveyor's units

How can I set my computer to draw with the correct orientation for surveyor units. I went to units and tried to make 0 degrees straight up but North remains to the right ( the 3 o'clock postition) Even stranger than that, East is straight up when North is to the right. Shouldn't west be straight up if North is to the right ? Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Type: units

at the command line, follow the prompts and select the desired setup. There should be one for survey settings. Please note that the default ICAD setup is counter clockwise for the angle measurement and defaults with 0 degrees at East location.


Hey ssc and anyone else that might be able to help.

Thanks for your help. However, I still need more. Perhaps I did not explain myself very well. I did all the setup choices at units without the desired effect before I requested help. For example, It should be possible to make the North direction at the top of the screen, East to the right, West to the left and South at the bottom. And North should be 0 degrees. Then if entering for example a line at 1000'<N15dE the line would go up to the right corner just off of North. Then from there if a line was drawn 1000'<N15dW there would be a line going to the left side of the screen and the angle between the 2 lines would be 30 degrees. Vice versa for lines drawn to the south. Got any tips on how to make that work please ?


When you type units you get prompts in the following order:

1. Unit Mode, choose which mode, Number of decimal places

2. Angular Unit Mode, choose Surveyor's units (5), followed by decimal places then


This will make 0 degrees up and 90 degrees to right or east direction


Dear ssc,

You probably think I am looney but I did what you said and it does not work. Please do what you said to do, then draw a circle and a few lines then list them and see if things make sense or if it is intellicad, just my version or I have lost my mind.

Thanks for your help
p.s. I feel sane.