Search Path for Lisp

Hi all,

I've had a look over the forum as I'm trying to get some lisp files working that I have found on the web. The search paths in my options says 'read only' and when I have tried adding them separately I still get the same error trying to run the lisp files which ... was not found in the search path.

Any help would be great if anyone has had a similar issue and managed to fix it?


Re: Search Path for Lisp

I just have the same error with old plugins.
In Options > Paths
I add my CLIP and DIM files in Support > Menu
capture_034.jpg (96.86 KiB) Viewed 3627 times
because in Support > customization don't work

Then I close the Options and re-open to see in Search paths (read only) if my new path are visible.
capture_039.jpg (65.85 KiB) Viewed 3627 times
Patrick Depoix
Architecte D.P.L.G. & Historien-chercheur en histoire de l'Architecture
IntelliCAD v13 PE+ on Windows 10