I'm adding a 'check selection' loop into my piping utility, but while one works another does not!
Here's a video, where the first alert works as expected in that when you select 'OK' the alert box closes allowing the user to correct their mistake.
But the second alert, when the user selects 'OK' it closes bothe the alert & the main dialog, and I can't seem to find why?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ieqkq2p1btczu ... e.avi?dl=0.
lsp file attached.
Re: Alert box closing main dialog
#2Morning Steve,
I mean you don't need a OK and Cancel buttons because when you choose in the popup windows, it close it. No?
Your choice close the windows.
I mean you don't need a OK and Cancel buttons because when you choose in the popup windows, it close it. No?
Your choice close the windows.
Patrick Depoix
Architecte D.P.L.G. & Historien-chercheur en histoire de l'Architecture
IntelliCAD v13 PE+ on Windows 10
Architecte D.P.L.G. & Historien-chercheur en histoire de l'Architecture
IntelliCAD v13 PE+ on Windows 10
Re: Alert box closing main dialog
#3Solved my problem, re-wrote the check selections into 3 descrete sections:
Once each one is passed it calls the second.
The 2 setq's in the second and third checks are setting variables for the main app.
Code: Select all
((/= fit_ftg NIL)(setq john fit_ftg)(CHECK_SELECTIONS_F))
((/= ftg NIL)(setq john ftg)(CHECK_SELECTIONS_F))
);end cond
(setq ftg john)
(setq john "")
(t (alert "OOPS! *new dialog* SELECT A FITTING SCHEDULE - TRY AGAIN!"))
);end of cond
(setq sch fit_sch)
(setq fit_sch "")
((/= size NIL)(term_dialog))
(t (alert "OOPS! *new dialog* SELECT A FITTING SIZE - TRY AGAIN!"))
);end of cond
The 2 setq's in the second and third checks are setting variables for the main app.