debug Ver. 11.1 - CmsIcad.pdb ?

Hi all,

if I compile my project I get follow message :

Eine Breakpointanweisung (__debugbreak()-Anweisung oder ein ähnlicher Aufruf) wurde in CmsIcad.exe ausgeführt.

Version: (11.1.331.140406.PE+.VC16.x64.CMS111)

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-Bit) - Current Version 17.3.6

Re: debug Ver. 11.1 - CmsIcad.pdb ?

I was able to compile a couple projects, I didn’t get this.
FYI, you cannot compile in debug since the libraries are release.

Both your Debug and release should define NDEBUG. Your Debug should be almost identical to the release build
You can create your own .pdb and turn off compile and linker optimizing.

I have an open-source project here, you can have a look at the settings ... share_link

TSP Solver
Delaunay Solver
Minimum spanning tree solver
A-Star solver

my trial expired, but I left the project in the solution for next year : )
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