Dimensioning issues

I have an odd issue when trying to add dimensions in my drawing. Sometimes the dimensioning appears to be fine until I hit enter to place the dimension. The dimension disappears. I can try over and over and for some reason the dimension won't stay. I get the following error in the command line:

ENTER to select entity/<Origin of first extension line>: 56'-4 3/32",-2'-9 35/64"
Origin of second extension line: 60'-4 11/64",-2'-9 35/64"
[Angle/Mtext/Text/Horizontal/Vertical/Rotated]: 60'-2 5/64",-1'-11 3/4"
Invalid input

I can dimension other points just not the ones I tried when I got the error. This last time I was dimensioning where a line intersects a rectangle. However if I explode the rectangle then I am able to dimension it. Anyone have any thoughts to what would cause the issue?
