Re: "Windows" is ambiguous in namespace "Intellicad"

QuanNguyen wrote:
Sun May 31, 2020 11:56 pm
DenisSilveira wrote:
Sat May 30, 2020 9:20 pm
I got the message :

"Windows" is ambiguous in namespace "Intellicad", must be completely identified.
Please show your code, Denis.

Code: Select all

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim f As New IntelliCAD.Windows.ColorDialog

        If Not f.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If f.Color.IsByAci Then
            If f.Color.IsByLayer Then
                Button1.Text = "ByLayer"
            ElseIf f.Color.IsByBlock Then
                Button1.Text = "ByBlock"
                Button1.BackColor = AcadColorAciToDrawingColor(f.Color)

            End If

            Dim colIndex As Integer = f.Color.ColorIndex

            Dim byt As System.Byte = System.Convert.ToByte(colIndex)

            Dim rgb As Integer = Teigha.Colors.EntityColor.LookUpRgb(byt)

            Dim b As Long = (rgb And &HFFL) / 2 ^ 8

            Dim g As Long = (rgb And &HFF00L) / 2 ^ 8

            Dim r As Long = rgb / 2 ^ 16

            Button1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(r, g, b) ' String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", r.ToString(), g.ToString(), b.ToString())
        End If

        Globais.CorPerfil = f.Color
    End Sub
At the beginning "Dim f As New IntelliCAD.Windows.ColorDialog" pops the message.

I found namespace "IntelliCAD.Windows" in the VS Object Explorer at two DLLs:

Namespace IntelliCAD.Windows
Membro de IcMgd_4.3_15

Namespace IntelliCAD.Windows
Membro de IcCoreMgd_4.3_15

Otherwise supressing "IcadAuto.interop.dll" the message desapear, but I don't know if lost any operation at this DLL. The original plugins in Autocad uses Acad.Interop.

At the Microsoft VS help says to complete identify the DLL but its name has a DOT wich causes a problema when typing the DLL name before namespace.

It's pretty dificult.

Re: "Windows" is ambiguous in namespace "Intellicad"


Code: Select all

 Public Sub teste()
        Dim doc As Document = IntelliCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
        Dim db As Database = doc.Database
        Dim Col As New Collection

        Using tr As Transaction = IntelliCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
            Dim vt As ViewTable = tr.GetObject(db.ViewTableId, Teigha.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead)

            For Each vti In vt
                Dim vtr As ViewTableRecord = TryCast(tr.GetObject(vti, Teigha.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead), ViewTableRecord)

                If Not IsNothing(vtr) Then
                End If

            Dim aView As ViewTableRecord = tr.GetObject(Col(1).objectid, Teigha.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead)

            Dim fileDia As New IntelliCAD.Windows.SaveFileDialog(
                          "Open an Image file", Nothing,
                          "jpg; gif; tif; bmp", "Image File",

            ' Show the dialog and test the result
            Dim res As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult =

            If res <> System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Return

            Dim Raster As New RasterImageDef
            Raster.SourceFileName = "bitMarTemp"

            Dim imageDictId As ObjectId =

            If imageDictId.IsNull Then
                ' Image dictionary doesn't exist, create new
                imageDictId = RasterImageDef.CreateImageDictionary(db)
            End If

            Dim imageDict As DBDictionary = tr.GetObject(
                      imageDictId, Teigha.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead)

            Dim imageDef As RasterImageDef
            Dim imageDefId As ObjectId
            Dim dictName As String = "IMAGE"

            imageDef = New RasterImageDef()
            ' And set its source image
            imageDef.SourceFileName = "bitMarTemp" 'fileDia.Filename()
            ' finally load it

            imageDefId = imageDict.SetAt(dictName, imageDef)
            tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(imageDef, True)

            ' Now create the raster image that references the definition
            Dim image As New RasterImage()
            image.ImageDefId = imageDefId

            Dim X = "353917.0678034420"
            Dim Y = "398701.9004743111"

            Dim uCorner As New Vector3d(366, 0, 0)
            Dim vOnPlane As New Vector3d(0, 278, 0)
            Dim point As New Point3d(X, Y, 0.0)

            Dim coordinateSystem As New CoordinateSystem3d(point, uCorner, vOnPlane)
            image.Orientation = coordinateSystem

            ' And some other properties
            image.ImageTransparency = True
            image.ShowImage = True

            ' Add the image to ModelSpace
            Dim bt As BlockTable = tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, Teigha.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead)
            Dim msBtr As BlockTableRecord = tr.GetObject(bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), Teigha.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForWrite)
            tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(image, True)

            Dim jigger As New EntitiesJig.AcadNetAddinCS.MoveRotationScaleJig


        End Using

        'Dim img = IntelliCAD.Internal.Utils.CreateIcon(vtr, width - 120, height, Color.White)

    End Sub
Also, line code :

Dim fileDia As New IntelliCAD.Windows.SaveFileDialog(
"Open an Image file", Nothing,
"jpg; gif; tif; bmp", "Image File",

Causes this problem.

Code line "aView.Thumbnail.Save(fileDia.Filename)" generates an error because aView.thumbnail is set to nothing.

I am trying to generate a Bitmap os predefined Views inside DWg PaperSpace file ... after that I'll try to produce a commandMethod to insert View inside Drawing PS just by two clicks.

First of all need to collect information about view and generate BitMap to user drag and drop over screen of any PS drawing. I am trying to use raster image to insert at PS 0,0,0 and then using JigEntity to user drag it around the DWG screen.

After user click at any place, information collected before will be used to append Xref file and creates ViewPort (PaperSpace)

Re: "Windows" is ambiguous in namespace "Intellicad"

DenisSilveira wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:04 pm

Also, line code :

Dim fileDia As New IntelliCAD.Windows.SaveFileDialog(
"Open an Image file", Nothing,
"jpg; gif; tif; bmp", "Image File",

Causes this problem.

Code line "aView.Thumbnail.Save(fileDia.Filename)" generates an error because aView.thumbnail is set to nothing.

Please add the assembly System.Drawing to your project then it works.
aView_Thumbnail.png (44.08 KiB) Viewed 6660 times

Re: "Windows" is ambiguous in namespace "Intellicad"

QuanNguyen wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:16 pm
DenisSilveira wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:04 pm

Also, line code :

Dim fileDia As New IntelliCAD.Windows.SaveFileDialog(
"Open an Image file", Nothing,
"jpg; gif; tif; bmp", "Image File",

Causes this problem.

Code line "aView.Thumbnail.Save(fileDia.Filename)" generates an error because aView.thumbnail is set to nothing.

Please add the assembly System.Drawing to your project then it works.

It is not even compiling ... not running ... the problem is to identify "Intellicad.Windows" to compiler