Loading IRX applications at startup using registry

Each application to load is represented inside the “Applications” key of the corresponding registry key responsible for the current IntelliCAD version.

Loading IRX applications
As an example, use the IRX application IRXCustomEntity_4.3_15.irx file located at “C:\IntelliCAD\Source\IntelliCAD\api\icrx\samples\IRXCustomEntity\ProjectFiles\x64\Release”. The registry entry responsible for the current IntelliCAD version is “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CMS\CMS IntelliCAD 9.2 Premium Edition Plus x64”.

To load an IRX application automatically:

Create an “Applications” key and a subkey inside (name doesn’t matter). You'll have “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CMS\CMS IntelliCAD 9.2 Premium Edition Plus x64\Applications\MyIrx”.
Create values inside it.
Create a string value called LOADER pointing to the IRX application: “C:\IntelliCAD\Source\IntelliCAD\api\icrx\samples\IRXCustomEntity\ProjectFiles\x64\Release\ IRXCustomEntity_4.3_15.irx”.
Create the DWORD LOADCTRLS value equal to 2 (other values are not supported).

The complete .reg file for this example looks like this code:

Code: Select all

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CMS\CMS IntelliCAD 9.2 Premium Edition Plus x64\Applications\MyIrx]