Loading IRX applications
As an example, use the IRX application IRXCustomEntity_4.3_15.irx file located at “C:\IntelliCAD\Source\IntelliCAD\api\icrx\samples\IRXCustomEntity\ProjectFiles\x64\Release”. The registry entry responsible for the current IntelliCAD version is “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CMS\CMS IntelliCAD 9.2 Premium Edition Plus x64”.
To load an IRX application automatically:
Create an “Applications” key and a subkey inside (name doesn’t matter). You'll have “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CMS\CMS IntelliCAD 9.2 Premium Edition Plus x64\Applications\MyIrx”.
Create values inside it.
Create a string value called LOADER pointing to the IRX application: “C:\IntelliCAD\Source\IntelliCAD\api\icrx\samples\IRXCustomEntity\ProjectFiles\x64\Release\ IRXCustomEntity_4.3_15.irx”.
Create the DWORD LOADCTRLS value equal to 2 (other values are not supported).
The complete .reg file for this example looks like this code:
Code: Select all
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CMS\CMS IntelliCAD 9.2 Premium Edition Plus x64\Applications\MyIrx]