
If I create 3 or 4 points on the screen in a simple curve I can easily connect them with a spline curve using the mouse without specifying start and end tangents. However in VBA I tried:

Public Sub TestAddSpline()
Dim objEnt As IntelliCAD.Spline
Dim vecstart As New IntelliCAD.Vector
Dim vecend As New IntelliCAD.Vector
Dim db1Points As New IntelliCAD.Points
Dim fit1 As New IntelliCAD.Point
Dim fit2 As New IntelliCAD.Point
Dim fit3 As New IntelliCAD.Point

vecstart.x = -2: vecstart.y = -4: vecstart.z = 0
vecend.x = 4: vecend.y = 4: vecend.z = 0

fit1.x = 1: fit1.y = 1: fit1.z = 0
fit2.x = 3: fit2.y = 5: fit2.z = 0
fit3.x = 7: fit3.y = -5: fit3.z = 0

db1Points.Add 1, 1, 0, 0
db1Points.Add 7, 8, 0, 1
db1Points.Add 3, 5, 0, 2

Set objEnt = IntelliCAD.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace.AddSpline(db1Points, vecstart, vecend)
End Sub

But I get funny shapes: the program swaps the points around and I have to specify start and end vectors or it gives me an error message. How can one know the start and end vectors to get the smoothest curve? Should I give up trying to draw splines with VBA?
But to draw the spline on the screen, I have to make my userform hidden, but then I cannot react with VBA except through Intellicad events. Is it possible to have a button in the Intellicad menu to re-show my VBA form?

P.S. I am a VBA newby, but its a fantastic program