How to custom underlined shortcuts of the right click context menu

Hello every one, I am new to IntelliCAD and happy to join this community.
a quick question, Is there a way to customize the underline shortcut letter of the right click context menu actions. For exemple if you right click + Q, it will launch the Quick select but I would like to modify it to right click + T.
Usually in other CAD, in CUI options, you simply add an & before the required letter in the title of the action, but in IntelliCAD, I only found it for the standard top menu but didn't find any right click context menu customization location.
Could you help me on this ?

Re: How to custom underlined shortcuts of the right click context menu

Hi William,

You'are welcome!
I will understand your demand:
You speak of "right click + Q, it will launch the Quick select"
I can't understand because When I use it : nothing! Do you want to say : Ctrl + right click to the span tool?
You can create all you think with the Tools > Customize UI....
Go to ICAD > Menus >&Context
or ICAD > Keyboard Shortcuts >

and look this video about customization : ... tomization
Patrick Depoix
Architecte D.P.L.G. & Historien-chercheur en histoire de l'Architecture
IntelliCAD v13 PE+ on Windows 10