Mtext rotation / move problem

I have an issue with Mtext rotating/moving in random directions when I use the rotate/move command and also when they are annotative. It works fine when it's not annotative. It's pretty annoying because I have to manually type in the rotation degree at properties to rotate Mtext as a workaround. When moving mtext around, I have to look for the mtext I just moved because it keeps teleporting into another area inside the model space. Can somebody help me please

Re: Mtext rotation / move problem

It sounds like you're having some frustrating troubles with annotative MText in your CAD software. Make sure your annotation scale is set appropriately. If the scale does not match your expectations, MText may emerge at unexpected sizes or orientations. Sometimes, the text style settings can cause problems. Try generating a new text style or altering an old one to see if that fixes the rotation or movement problems.
Herman Holloway at geometry dash