Everything works up until the last line of code to display the dialog via (start-dialog)...
When you load the file, it runs it and simply returns a zero, but no dialog box and no
prompt statement following the (start_dialog) statement...Any ideas?
Here's the code:
Code: Select all
(defun create-dialog ()
(setq dialogWidthPercent 80) ; Width percentage of the dialog
(setq dialogHeightPercent 80) ; Height percentage of the dialog
; Get the screen size as a list
(setq screenSize (getvar "screensize"))
; Extract screen width and height from the list
(setq screenWidth (car screenSize)) ; Get screen width
(setq screenHeight (cadr screenSize)) ; Get screen height
; Calculate dialog width and height based on percentages
(setq dialogWidth (/ (* screenWidth dialogWidthPercent) 100.0)) ; Convert to real number
(setq dialogHeight (/ (* screenHeight dialogHeightPercent) 100.0)) ; Convert to real number
; Generate the DCL string for the dialog
(setq tempDCL
"lisp_debugger : dialog {\n" ; Rename the dialog to "lisp_debugger"
"label = \"Load Lisp File\";\n"
"size = \"" (rtos dialogWidth 2 0) "," (rtos dialogHeight 2 0) "\";\n" ; Use decimal output with 0 precision
"spacer_style = 1;\n"
"spacer_width = 0;\n"
"column_resizable = false;\n"
": column {\n"
": button {\n"
"key = \"btnLoad\";\n"
"label = \"Load...\";\n"
"fixed_width = 60;\n"
": button {\n"
"key = \"btnExit\";\n"
"label = \"Exit\";\n"
"fixed_width = 60;\n"
": button {\n"
"key = \"btnClear\";\n"
"label = \"Clear\";\n"
"fixed_width = 60;\n"
": button {\n"
"key = \"btnAbout\";\n"
"label = \"About\";\n"
"fixed_width = 60;\n"
": edit_box {\n"
"key = \"editBox\";\n"
"width = 100;\n"
"height = 20;\n"
"fixed_width = 0;\n"
"is_password = false;\n"
": list_box {\n"
"key = \"listBox\";\n"
"width = \"" (rtos (- dialogWidth 20.0) 2 0) "\";\n" ; Use decimal output with 0 precision
"height = \"" (rtos (- dialogHeight 150.0) 2 0) "\";\n" ; Use decimal output with 0 precision
"fixed_width = 0;\n"
"multiple_select = false;\n"
; Write the DCL string to the file
(setq dclFilePath (strcat (getvar "TEMPPREFIX") "lisp_debugger.dcl")) ; Rename the DCL file
(setq dclFile (open dclFilePath "w"))
(if dclFile
(write-line tempDCL dclFile)
(close dclFile)
(prompt (strcat "\nDCL file created: " dclFilePath)) ; DEBUG: Print path of created DCL file
; Load the DCL file
(setq dialogId (load_dialog dclFilePath))
(prompt (strcat "\nDialog ID: " (itoa dialogId))) ; DEBUG: Print dialog ID
; Set tile for controls
(if dialogId
(set_tile "btnLoad" "btnLoadCallback")
(set_tile "btnExit" "btnExitCallback")
(set_tile "btnClear" "btnClearCallback")
(set_tile "btnAbout" "btnAboutCallback")
(set_tile "editBox" "editBoxValue")
(set_tile "listBox" "listBoxValue")
(prompt "\nActions set for ALL tiles...")
; Display the dialog
(if dialogId
(prompt "\nDialog should have appeared!")
; Callback functions
(defun btnLoadCallback (control handle)
(setq filename (getfiled "Select Lisp File" "" "Lisp Files (*.lsp)|*.lsp"))
(if filename
(setq fileContent (read-file filename))
(setq listBoxContent (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbstring (cons 0 (1- (length fileContent)))))
(foreach line fileContent
(setq index (1- (length listBoxContent)))
(vlax-safearray-put-element listBoxContent index line)
(vla-put-ColumnWidth listBox 0 10)
(vla-put-ColumnWidth listBox 1 (- dialogWidth 30.0))
(vla-put-list listBox listBoxContent)
(defun btnExitCallback (control handle)
(done_dialog 1)
(defun btnClearCallback (control handle)
(vla-delete-all-items listBox)
(defun btnAboutCallback (control handle)
(alert "This is the about message.")
; Create the dialog