Re: Activate license on two different computers

Such answer is available at the EULA terms all users opt-in to, and it's also printed at each product details at our online store.
Standalone licenses means that an user can run the license at ONE system only. Single user license means that a single and unique user can run the license.
The product details state "Single user, Perpetual Standalone license allowing 2 activations" , and this means you can activate the license 2 times.
CMS IntelliCAD Standalone licenses can be transferred from the latest licensed system still running the license through deactivation at the HELP menu > License Manager.
This is a self-service feature that does not require CMS assistance, and there's no limits on transfers.

If an user needs to run our software on multiple machines then we provide the CMS IntelliCAD PE PLUS USB DONGLE licenses. Shifting the USB Dongle to another machine will license such machine to run CMS IntelliCAD PE PLUS Software.
Starting from CMS IntelliCAD 10.1, PE PLUS only, we also provide users the option to, locally, generate a USB dongle using the license "activation key" and the FREE USB Dongle Maker tool we provide at our online store.

So yes , an unique user can run a CMS IntelliCAD 11.1 PE PLUS license on 2 or more machines as longas as you're using a USB Dongle.

Re: Activate license on two different computers

No, users cannot have the same standalone digital license installed on 2 systems even if not used simultaneously.
Users can only have our software installed on multiple machines with a CMS IntelliCAD PE PLUS USB Dongle license or a Network license.
CMS IntelliCAD 12 PE PLUS standalone users can freely convert a digital license in to a USB Dongle license as long as they have an activation left in the license.
Please refer to the USB dongle Maker tool freely available at our online store.

Re: Activate license on two different computers

I apologize, but I need further clarification on the use of the license on a USB stick.
On my workstation in the office I have installed and activated the latest version of CMS IntelliCAD 12.1 PE Plus and from this PC I generate the license on USB.
At this point I can use CMS Intellicad on my home PC and also on my laptop using the USB license.
My question is: the Intellicad CMS software must be installed on the USB stick or on individual computers that use the stick only as a license.
Thank you