Update License

The download page for CMS ICAD 11.1 says "When updating CMS IntelliCAD, make sure to uninstall the previous version, reboot the system and only then install the new version."

Do I have to deactivate my license before uninstalling 11.0 then reactivate the license after installing 11.1?

I am asking this because I have been burned more than once when I mistyped or did something wrong when trying to transfer a license.

Re: Update License

Paul Sweet wrote:
Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:28 pm
The download page for CMS ICAD 11.1 says "When updating CMS IntelliCAD, make sure to uninstall the previous version, reboot the system and only then install the new version."

Do I have to deactivate my license before uninstalling 11.0 then reactivate the license after installing 11.1?

I am asking this because I have been burned more than once when I mistyped or did something wrong when trying to transfer a license.
You do not need to deactivate the license to just update the software. Before changing any hardware such as CPU, Hard drive, or operating system - you should deactivate the software first.
There's no harm in deactivating the software if you have doubts. The process is pretty easy when connected to the Internet.

Good luck.

Re: Update License

Salve, avendo acquistato una licenza perpetua per CMS IntelliCAD 11.0 Plus,
quali sono i passi da seguire per aggiornarla correttamente alla versione 11.1 mantenendo le impostazioni di menu, toolbar etc.?

Per la versione 11.1 è stato rilasciato il Language package per l'Italiano?
