Unable to open demo

I've just downloaded the file <ICADeDEMOsetup.exe>, and when I attempt to open it, I get the following message: <Exception EResNotFound in Modul ICADED~I.EXE bei 0007:0AED>

What have I done wrong???

What aught I to do now in order to open the file??


The first thing to do after you install a new version of Intellicad is to shut down your computer and turn the power off. Wait one minute, then restart your computer and open Intellicad.

If it still doesn't run, check to see which version of Windows you are running.

(Right click on the MY COMPUTER icon on your Windows desktop, then left click on PROPERTIES)

If you are running a version of Windows95 older than number 4.00.950 B, you will need to download and install into your Windows directory OPENGL95.exe from the Microsoft Website.