Parallel should make an exact copy of the line, not draw a new one. The only way to check for sure if it's right is to measure distances between end points of both lines, using "distance" and snapping to endpoints. Don't rely on how it looks on the screen.

Thanks for the reply.

I did the end point snap and did the dimension for both ends of the the lines.

They are not the same. One end is 3/16" closer to the orginal line.

ANy other suggestions?



Check that your User Coordinate System (UCS)is set to World by typing UCS press Enter then type w. Then from the pull-down menu select View-->Look From-->Top

This will ensure that you are viewing the parallel lines from the correct direction.

Draw a line and offset it then check the dimensions and these should be correct.

The lines drawn in IntelliCAD are accurate to 16 decimal places and I suspect your lines may have a "Z" coordinate not equal to zero and you are viewing from a different angle.

Select the line and right click then select properties and check the "Z" value of both starting and ending points.

John Finlay

What is reallly happening is the Snap-end-point is picking up the dimension end point.

Any way to have the dimension routines to not snap to an existing dimension line?

Not really, you just have to set the snap aperture smallish so it doesn't cover everything, and zoom in close enough to see what it's hitting. One feature, with flyover snapping, you can cycle through possible snap points using the Tab key. I find it a bit hit and miss.