Enable Macros in 5.1PE

I have been using IntelliCAD since Icad98 and AutoCAD since V2.1. I have just purchased 5.1PE and installed with no problem onto a Windows XP Home platform.

The program registers itself as Icad 5 Premium Edition

The settings Tools/Security Level has been tried at Low/Medium and High.

Tools/Options/General Disable VBA CommonProject macros on startup is unchecked on startup

Experience level is High.

I run an Excel program with macros and they run OK.

The previous day I was testing the ProgeSoft version of Icad and their VB macros ran fine.

I can launch the VB Editor and can also locate VB Macros as per normal. However when I attempt to run the macros, I get the message “The macros in this project are disabled. Please refer to the online help or documentation of the host application to determine how to enable macros” (I have the macros in CommonProjects)

I have tried the technical support section of CMS and got no response. I get an answering machine when I phone.

Is there anyone out there that can tell me how to enable the VB macros?. Am I meant to get some form of patch to enable them?

Help would be seriously appreciated!

John Green of CMS came to the rescue. I had been doing evaluation of ProgeSofts Italian version of Icad and had uninstalled it from the system when I purchased the CMS version.

The problem was with the registry. It appears that there was some form of conflict between this system and the ProgeSoft IntelliCAD. Although I had un-installed ProgeSoft, the registry still contained the ProgeSoft settings.

I deleted the registry settings for ProgeSoft as well as for CMS Icad, then uninstalled CMS Icad.

I then rebooted, checked that registry was clear, then re-installed CMS Icad.

Bingo, problem solved.