Create polyline from file

Hello All,

I'm trying to create a ployline from a text file. I use a similar code to create lines from point to point. What is missing in this code? It appears to only create the first point in the file.

Do While Not EOF(1)

Input #1, number, XCOORD, YCOORD, ZCOORD, code

Set myPoints = Library.CreatePoints

Set pt = Library.CreatePoint(XCOORD, YCOORD, ZCOORD)


myPoints(myPoints.Count).x = pt.x

myPoints(myPoints.Count).y = pt.y

myPoints(myPoints.Count).z = pt.z

Close #1

Set myPline = ThisDocument.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(myPoints)



thanks MikeC


The problem may be 'Z' coordinates greater than zero in the text file.

You would need a 3DPolyline to be able to draw these.

I have created some VBA code as an example:

Sub TestPLine()
Dim myPLine As Polyline3D
Dim myPoints As Points
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim z As Double
Dim I As Integer

'Start Values
x = 1
y = 2
z = 3

Set myPoints = Library.CreatePoints

'Loop Here
Do Until I = 10
myPoints(myPoints.Count).x = x
myPoints(myPoints.Count).y = y
myPoints(myPoints.Count).z = z

x = x + 10
y = y + 20
z = z + 30
I = I + 1

' Create 3D Polyline
Set myPLine = ThisDocument.ModelSpace.Add3DPoly(myPoints)

End Sub


John Finlay