1. i attached a drawing file created from autocad2004. it takes a lot of time opening it using intellicad.
2. whenever i want to plot and tried to window a drawing or a paper, the second snapping does not appear. what can i do so that i can pick the second or the other point of the paper accurately?
3. there were many times also that i made mistake while drafting and had to UNDO my commands, and a prompt will appear: THERE IS NOTHING TO UNDO. i have no choice but to repeat my drawing again from the last time i saved it. is there any solution for this.
4. what are the factors that causes a file with corrupt entities? i'm confused by this issue. while i was drawing, the program will just close because according to it, the file has corrupt entities while i'm aware to the fact that i created the drawing from scratch and definitely does not contain a virus. what can i do to avoid these circumstances in the future drawings.

thanks much!

asia skywalker