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Re: ROTATE3D command

I have just downloaded and installed 13.1 13.1.462.161266.PE+.VC17.x64.CMS131 The rotate3D works as before. ????? copied from the command bar: Command: _ROTATE3D [FILter]/<Select entities to rotate>: 146582.5512,-10622.519,0 Entities in set: 1 found [FILter]/<Select entities to rotate>: Select axis ...

Re: ROTATE3D command

Hi Aleksandra, Going back to your original post. The points being asked for are, I belive, the start and endpoints of the 'rotation axis' I have just done this task in 13.0 and created a VERY simple video to try and help:-

Re: 3d Pipe to single line

I'm not sure how you are creating your 3D pipes, but if it were me then needing this I would have a single Centre Line layer with the pipe centre lines on. You can then turn off everything else and just print that layer.
Alternatively, have you tried the 'wireframe' display?

Re: A saving problem

Hi Steve, I find the option that creating pdf file myself, it is in options->Print and Publish->Auto Publish I might check the automatic publish checkbox by accident. I disabled the checkbox then it would not save any pdf files. Thanks your reply Well found. :) Thanks for posting the solution Steve

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