System var or routine for (promptless) redefining blocks?

I have a lisp that automatically inserts a block--sometimes multiple times.

When the block is inserted twice or more, the user is prompted whether or not to re-define the block.

Is there a system variable that I can set up to automatically re-define the block without a prompt?

I read through the variables but I couldn't find one that seemed to accomplish this but it wouldn't be the first time I've ovelooked what would have worked.




This occurs probably because you are giving the full path at the insertion command.
To workaround this problem you can make an error routine. Please try the following:

Code: Select all

(defun C:InsertMyBlock ( / temperr dwgFILE dwgNAME insertionPt Xscale Yscale rotAngle )

;; Define an error trap routine
(setq temperr *error*)
(setq *error* InsertMyBlockErrorTrap)

;; Set the block properties
(setq dwgFILE "C:\\MyBlock.dwg")
(setq dwgNAME "MyBlock")
(setq insertionPt (list 0.0 0.0 0.0))

;; Set the insertion defaults:
(setq Xscale 1.0)
(setq Yscale 1.0)
(setq rotAng 0.0)

;; Try to insert the block by giving only its name - dwgNAME - (and, of course, all of the insertion properties).
;; If the block hasn't been inserted yet, then the error routine is executed
(command "_.INSERT" dwgNAME insertionPt Xscale Yscale rotAng)

;; Exists quietly
(setq *error* temperr)

;; Error trap routine:
;; This routine will be fired as soon as an error occurs in the main routine
;; It will insert the block if the block is not defined in the drawing.
(defun InsertMyBlockErrorTrap ( errmsg / )
;; Insert the block by giving the full path name - dwgFILE:
(command "_.INSERT" dwgFILE insertionPt Xscale Yscale rotAng)

I use another way...

(defun c:test (/ block)
(if (null (tblsearch "block" "myblock"))
(setq block "c:\\my_folder\\myblock.dwg")
(setq block "myblock")
(while (setq p1 (getpoint "\n-> Insertion point : "))
(command "_.INSERT" myblock p1 1. 1. 0. [attributes values])


I apologize for not responding. I was away from my computer for a week.

I'm going to take a look at these over the weekend.

Thanks for the help.